Some of the most far reaching reforms to agricultural production and reef protection in Queensland’s history will be decided from a Brisbane desktop, with the State Government failing to schedule any confirmed regional hearings on the proposed new laws.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said this cowardly move would remove any scrutiny or face to face consultation with Agriculture Stakeholders or new regions and industries previously not covered by the legislation.

“This Brisbane centric State Labor Government is ensuring that locally, we will not get the chance to put forward a reasoned case for the type of reform needed,” he said.

“We all accept that there is a need for effective reef regulation, but not at the expense of rural and regional Queenslanders.
“We all know voluntary programs, supported by industry, get the best results.

“But instead, Labor is choosing the high cost and ineffective tool of regulation that stifles a culture of innovation and excellence, which for the Reef’s sake, is what we need.
“Sadly, the government doesn’t have the decency to front up in the coming week when hearings are supposed to be held and listen to the very communities these laws will impact.

“Wide-reaching laws are proposed to be enforced from Cape York to the Sunshine Coast but after promising a consultative road show the State Government haven’t even confirmed a single hearing outside of Brisbane.

“There is no reason to rush these changes and I’m calling on the Government to allow regional communities a say.

“We’ve got to get these changes right and that involves talking to the communities which are impacted.”

CANEGROWERS Senior Vice Chairman Allan Dingle said this city centric decision making is not fair on the regions.

“It’s not fair to all those families who have lived and worked on this land for hundreds of years,” he said.

“It’s disrespectful to the communities who work day in and day out to put food on Queenslander’s tables.

“We need to see consultation in Bundaberg, Mackay, Herbert, Cairns at the very least.

“My family has been farming on this property since the late 1800’s. We know this land, we’ve worked it for generations and we are always working on protect the pristine environment that surrounds us.

“Why do we need an ideology driven government to tell us what we should be doing if they can’t even bother to look us in the eye and hear from the people who have the real experience.”
