The future of Queensland’s drought program is in our hands said Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett, with a Drought Program Review workshop planned for Bundaberg.
Mr Bennett said in October producers, graziers and everyone involved in the agricultural industry can have their say on what can be improved and how better resilience can be built to assist in future droughts.
“An independent panel will run the review and make recommendations in line with national drought policy,” he said.
There will be six forums in regional locations, including one at the Bundaberg Multiplex Centre on the 5th of October.
Ruth Wade and Charles Burke, former Chief Executive Officers of the Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) and AgForce Queensland respectively, have been appointed to the panel.
“This is a small win for our local farmers who are in the midst of a very long dry period,” Mr Bennett said.
“Still some growers are choosing not to plant rotational crops and instead have bare fields because they can’t afford to pump the water.
“I’ve been calling on the Agricultural Minister for too long to reconvene the local drought committee and intern announce electricity relief.
“So far he’s chosen to not help our farmers and with a Labor Government focused on the city, it’s a struggle to get a hearing for the bush.
“But the more noise we can make, the better chance we have of seeing relief for our producers.
A Drought Program Review workshop will be held from 1:30pm until 3:30pm on October 5 at the Bundaberg Multiplex Centre or written submissions can be made through the drought program review website until October 2018.