Member for Burnett Stephen Bennet today announced the news that the T.S. Bundaberg’s application for funding to repair their flood damaged boat ramp has been successful.
“Australian Naval Cadet training is a fantastic way for young people to develop their leadership, self-reliance and initiative”, Mr Bennett said. “When I was asked to support the TS Bundaberg Welfare Committee’s application for a grant, I did so wholeheartedly. Thousands of young Australians have improved their lives by learning citizenship through seamanship as Australian Navy Cadets. Many have gone on to successful careers in the Royal Australian Navy or made significant contributions to their civilian communities in later life.”
“I am delighted that funding to repair the damaged boat ramp has been made available through the Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority, and look forward to seeing the Naval Cadets’ activities back into full operation”, he said.
Mr Bennett encouraged young people interested in a career in the navy to get involved with the T.S. Bundaberg Navy Cadets. More information can be found at