“This week I  received a letter from the Chief Health Officer, Dr Young advising me that she is allowing all Qld politicians to jump the queue and get their Covid jab.

While I strongly support vaccinations, I certainly do not support Labor’s elitist view that politicians are in some way more important.

We should never accept that MP’s and Ministers should be prioritised over those more deserving in our community; I reject that idea on principle.

There are thousands of people in our region who are still on the waiting list for vaccinations.

The likes of the Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith, who is by all accounts a healthy young man, can now get a golden ticket and jump the queue ahead of front-line workers and the vulnerable in our community.

Does Mr Smith and his Labor mates consider themselves to be more important than our doctors, nurses and paramedics?

I have called out the double standards during this pandemic and I will continue to do so.

That’s why I don’t believe that pollies should be allowed to push ahead to the front of the queue.

However, if your age group is eligible, please book in for your vaccination.”

