Our constant calls and lobbying have produced results with the State Government finally granting a 20-year extension to allow beekeeping to continue in national parks!
It’s a brilliant outcome and will certainly have our local beekeeping community buzzing with excitement.
The State Government has approved the preparation of legislative amendments to grant this extension until 2044.
The ongoing drought and recent bushfires have made it near impossible to find suitable alternative honey sites for beekeeping, that’s why it was so important we saw this extension granted.
For years I have been fighting for this extension; ensuring the Queensland Beekeepers Association attended our Bundaberg promotion nights at Parliament House, giving them advocacy and access with Ministers, and constantly writing to the agriculture minister on their behalf to plead their case.
It’s needless to say I’m thrilled about this announcement today.
Thank you to everyone who helped to lobby the government for this extension; what an un-bee-lievable result.
To show your support, remember to buy locally sourced honey and spread the word about our local liquid gold.