Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is urging locals to join the movement and speak out to end violence against women.


Mr Bennett, a White Ribbon Ambassador, said July 29 is White Ribbon Night, an annual campaign to raise awareness and highlight the scourge of violence against women.


Domestic violence is causing rising rates of homelessness for women and children, with many unable to live in the houses they have because the risk of abuse is too great, according to White Ribbon Australia.


Forced to flee, a growing number of women and children are living in cars, caravan parks, boarding houses, refuges or couch surfing. It is a hidden crisis compounded by winter temperatures.


“Our homes should be safe havens but sadly for some women they are places of fear, control and intimidation. For them, fleeing is the better option, despite the cold and uncertainty,” Mr Bennett said.


Mr Bennett said on average one woman a week is killed in Australia as a result of intimate partner violence.


“Women are three times more likely than men to experience violence from an intimate partner,” he said.


“Most people would be shocked to hear that the single greatest reason for homelessness of women and children is domestic violence. And research has shown that the combination of these two traumas creates increased risk of mental health, behavioural and learning difficulties in children. It is a growing crisis.


“White Ribbon is an important campaign which seeks to create a change in culture and sends a clear message that violence against women is no longer misunderstood, excused or joked about.


“I urge everyone to use their networks, whether it be through social media, through their workplace, sporting groups or other social circles, to speak out against violence.”


Join the campaign and stand up to violence by taking an oath at .



The White Ribbon Campaign is the largest global male-led movement to stop violence against women. In Australia, White Ribbon’s prevention work engages men and boys to lead social change through its programs in schools, sporting codes, workplaces and communities. White Ribbon Night is one of the organisation’s two major annual campaigns, alongside White Ribbon Day on 25 November.




29 July 2016