LNP Housing and Public Works Shadow Minister Stephen Bennett said today he is shocked by reports revealing a number of Queensland buildings are clad with potentially dangerous material.
“I can’t believe Labor have been keeping this list secret, why the cover-up? People deserve to know,” Mr Bennett said.
“This Labor Minister joins a long list of his cabinet colleagues more interested in keeping Queenslanders in the dark than being open and accountable.
“This is information that I’m sure anyone living or working in buildings clad with dodgy and potential dangerous material would want to know about.
“Labor needs to answer exactly what’s being done to fully assess public safety and deal with any fire risks.
“Labor’s Mick de Brenni needs to release the full list of 44 buildings today with the potentially dangerous cladding, including all locations, and stop hiding behind bureaucratic process and taskforce findings.
“Queenslanders who are living and working in these buildings deserve to know the risks and what’s being done to redress those risks.”
Sunday, 30th July 2017