School leavers will be given fee-free training in core skills areas from next year under a plan detailed by the Newman Government that will boost frontline services and further supercharge Queensland’s economy after years of Labor mismanagement.
Priority industries will be the focus of the plan for Year 12 students.
Well trained staff are an integral part of building a strong four pillar economy, which the Newman Government promised to do at the last election.
Under Labor, the vocational education and training (VET) sector was a real mess, with below standard training facilities, and dwindling student numbers.
Our Government is cleaning up Labor’s mess by reforming the VET sector so that training will lead to real jobs and increased productivity.
Eleven high-priority qualifications will be available fee-free under the Certificate III Guarantee if students commence their training in the calendar year after completing Year 12.
Year 12 graduates will also be able to access fee-free apprenticeships and traineeships in high demand industries under the User Choice program from 1 January 2014.
Eligible apprentices and trainees employed in high priority industries such as construction, manufacturing, automotive and community services will not have to pay student fees, which can act as a barrier for young people to complete their training.
The 11 certificate III qualifications available fee-free under the Certificate 3 Guarantee from 1 January for 2013 Year 12 graduates are:
· Manufacturing Technology
· Laboratory Skills
· Drilling Oil/Gas (On Shore)
· Arboriculture
· Landscape Construction
· Parks and Gardens
· Water Operations
· Aged Care
· Home and Community Care
· Children’s Services
· Disability
Year 12 graduates now have an extra incentive to continue their studies in these areas that are critical to the future of Queensland’s economy.
I would urge this year’s Year 12s in Bundaberg and the Burnett to consider taking up this offer which not only covers a wide range of qualifications but offers training from both public and private training providers.
The commitment to fee-free training in priority areas was made in the Great skills. Real opportunities VET reform action plan released in June.
All Newman Government subsidised training will become contestable and open to approved private training providers from 1 July 2014.
Our Government wants Queensland’s students and employers to have greater choice and access to quality training, particularly in high priority areas that will build the Queensland economy.
By creating a contestable training market we will build the sector’s overall capacity and lift quality by encouraging innovation in service delivery, course content and training outcomes.
For more information on Great skills. Real opportunities, the Certificate 3 Guarantee and User Choice program visit