Construction is about to begin on an $8 million federally-funded project to upgrade three intersections on the Bruce Highway, just south of Childers.

Motorists should remember to be patient as the works begin.

I encourage people driving along this section of the Bruce Highway to allow a bit more time for their journey over the coming months.

Take your time, drive to the changed conditions, and remember to obey all the speed signs during the roadworks.

Works involve extending the dedicated right-turn lane at Lucketts Road; installing traffic signals at Goodwood Road to cater for growing traffic volumes; and moving the Butchers Road intersection slightly south to ensure safety is maintained for turning vehicles.

These works on the Bruce Highway will improve safety and travel times for the 6,500 vehicles that use this section of highway each day.

The works will take place Monday to Saturday from 6am to 6pm. The contractor – Hazell Bros Group – will make every effort to minimise disruptions. Works should be completed in late 2014, weather permitting.

For more information about the work, call 1300 728 390, or email the department of Transport and Main Roads at [email protected]