Reduce cost of living

No new taxes guarantee

Queensland used to have a reputation as a low–taxing state, encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit where if people had a go and backed themselves, they could make a decent living and get ahead in life. But Labor’s job-destroying taxes put a handbrake on jobs.

We want Queensland to be the state of opportunity once more. That’s why an LNP Government will guarantee no new taxes if we are elected at the next state election.

It’s only under an LNP Government that business will have the renewed hope and confidence to invest in Queensland and create more jobs and increase wages.

Deliver cheaper electricity and support renewable energy

The LNP will end Labor’s electricity divide between the southeast and the rest of Queensland. We don’t think it’s good enough that Queenslanders north of Gympie and from Toowoomba west are treated like second-class citizens.

If elected, the LNP will implement the findings of Labor’s own productivity commission report into electricity pricing to introduce retail competition into the regional electricity market. Competition will drive down prices and the LNP believes people in regional Queensland deserve the same deal as those in Southeast Queensland.

Providing retail competition to the regions would ensure that all Queenslanders are given an opportunity to reduce their skyrocketing electricity bills, not just those living in the southeast. Giving households the opportunity to shop around should save regional Queenslanders around $300 a year.

Maintain the First Home Owners Grant

Queenslanders who are starting out in life and saving for a first home should be supported in getting their first foot on the property ladder.

The First Home Owners’ Grant, together with the Federal Government’s First Home Loan Deposit Scheme and Brisbane City Council’s First Home Owner Rebate, provide an important leg up.

Deb Frecklington and the LNP are serious about getting more young people into their first home, which is why we have committed to maintaining the First Home Owners’ Grant and the First Home Concession.