Local MPs are pushing for a dedicated multimodal pathway to protect pedestrians and bike riders on Bargara Road, following recent fatal accidents on the roads connecting Bundaberg with its coastal communities.

On May 6 2018, a man tragically lost his life when he was struck by a vehicle while walking along Bargara Road. Just three months later on August 5, a similar incident occurred and another man lost his life while walking along Burnett Heads Road.

Both these roads connect the Bundaberg city with its neighbouring seaside towns and both roads have one lane in each direction with no foot paths or bike lanes present.

State Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said we need to see work on a path start now, before another tragedy happens.

“Local bike groups have been coming to me for years asking if we’ll see a pathway go in and I have been pushing for it ever since it was first brought to my attention,” he said

“The LNP continues to stand ready to contribute $1.5 million dollars towards the construction.

“We understand it is on the radar of TMR and that is the first step in the right direction, but we cannot afford to sit around and wait for who knows how long, to see this project happen.

“It’s well over due and is something I proposed and have been pushing for on behalf of all cyclists and bike groups in the community for the last six years.”

Three days after the most recent fatality on a connecting road, the Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey MP advised that the department is currently investigating options to widen Bargara Road to accommodate for future traffic growth and bike riders.

After becoming aware of the government’s investigation, State Member for Bundaberg David Batt used a Question On Notice to seek clarification from the Minister, concerned pedestrian safety wouldn’t be addressed. A response from the Minister has now been published.

Mr Batt said the Minister’s response is good news for the Bundy region, but further commitment is needed.

“The Minister has advised that even though TMR’s planning study is primarily focused on bike riders, the department will engage with Bundaberg Regional Council in regards to pedestrian safety as well, which is a relief.

“It’s good to see the government finally showing some interest in the pathway that has been in Bundaberg Regional Council plans for a number of years.
“I also asked the Minister for an approximate timeframe in which the investigation will be complete, but unfortunately this element of my enquiry had a vague response, with the Minister only stating that the analysis will progress throughout this financial year.”

Both local MPs will continue to work together to fight for this pathway which will benefit residents in both the Bundaberg and Burnett electorates.
