Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is urging parents to stay involved after teens receive their driver’s licence to help keep them safe behind the wheel.
Mr Bennett is throwing his support behind ‘Protect Your P-Plater’, a new road safety campaign to raise awareness and reduce the crash risk of young drivers on their Provisional Licence.
“The first six to 12 months after young people get their licence is the most crucial time for parents to stay involved,” Mr Bennett said.
“Newly licensed P-platers are six times more likely to be involved in a serious road crash.
“It’s important for parents to stay involved in their child’s driving education through P-Plate years to keep that conversation going about how to stay safe on our roads.”
Mr Bennett encouraged parents to continue to offer advice and set boundaries during the early driving years as P-platers continue to develop their driving skills.
“Working through the P-plate years together is a great way for parents to share their safe driving habits and to keep those important conversations going about how to stay safe on our roads.”
Protect your P-Plater information packs and magnets are available at the Burnett Electorate Office.
For more information phone 4111 5100.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017