Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has warned motorists to brace themselves for yet another car registration hike from July 1, thanks to the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Vehicle registration will jump by 3.5 per cent, almost double the rate of inflation, with the cost for a standard four-cylinder car rising from $352.30 to $364.65, which doesn’t take into account compulsory third-party insurance costs.

Mr Bennett said taxpayers were being treated like cash cows by the Palaszczuk Labor Government to compensate for their poor economic planning.

“Families are already facing enormous financial pressures trying to keep up with everyday living expenses. Families just don’t need this added strain,” he said.

“It’s absolutely outrageous that the Labor Government thinks it can continue to treat people like cash cows just because they can’t balance the books.

“The Labor Government doesn’t exactly have a great track record to deal with this issue. When they were last in office they increased the rego by 30 per cent in just four years, and here they go again slugging drivers.

“When the LNP was in office, we took action and froze rego after those massive increases under Labor.”

Last year the LNP also moved a motion to direct the Labor government to keep their car rego increase to the inflation rate, rather than the 3.5 per cent but the government, including local Bundaberg MP Leanne Donaldson, opposed the move.

Mr Bennett said a future LNP Government would offer families a real economic plan to keep cost of living pressures low.

“We will again link registration costs for family vehicles to the consumer price index,” he said.

An online petition has been launched to cap car registration. Sign the petition at


24 May 2017