The Newman Government has announced that irrigation farmers will have control of the installation of water meters on their properties, leading to financial savings for many landholders.

Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett said the change would support water users in ‘metered entitlement’ areas who took water directly from a bore or watercourse, rather than receiving a supply from the operators of large dams.

“The previous Labor Government’s approach saw the Department choose and purchase the meters, arrange for contractors to install them and then bill the water users for the equipment and work,” Mr Bennett said.

“While we support measures to ensure that no-one takes more water than they are entitled to, agricultural groups indicated that this old process was frustrating and cumbersome.

“These changes will lead to a reduction in meter reading charges of up to $100 per year for areas where the Department had already arranged the installation of meters.  

“Many irrigators in the Burnett were unhappy with the meters chosen for them and believed the overall cost was higher than it needed to be,” he said.

Mr Bennett said the Newman Government recognised that measuring water use helped protect the resource, but it was clear the previous system was too rigid. 

“This change will put local water users back in control of what happens on their property and allow them to shop around for the best prices for the installation of meters,” he said.

“However, licence holders will need to provide evidence that an accredited certifier has approved the installed meter to ensure an accurate record of water use.

“The Department of Natural Resources and Mines will immediately start working with water users across Queensland to explain the policy and work out a transition process,” he said.

“The new system is scheduled to be fully implemented by mid next year.

“In the meantime, the Department will not be installing any water meters in new areas identified to become metered entitlements; however it will finalise installations in areas where work is currently under way.”

DNRM will remain responsible for arranging meter readings. Further information is available online at or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).