Access to better job and training opportunities will be easier for Indigenous people in Burnett through a new Queensland Indigenous trainingGovernment partnership program, which has just opened for first round applications.

 Community and business organisations can partner with the Government under the Indigenous Training Strategy to help meet the training needs of Indigenous people in priority skills areas.

 Organisations can apply for funding of up to $400,000 under the strategy for programs to help participants complete nationally recognised training.

It funds organisations to deliver regional and community-based training projects which can help achieve meaningful and long-term employment and training outcomes for Indigenous participants.

 The four-year strategy is part of the reform of the vocational education and training (VET) sector and supports the “crayon to career” approach to improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.

 Working in partnership with industry means students will gain relevant training to increase job prospects for a brighter future.

Community-based organisations, registered training organisations and private companies with demonstrated experience in delivering training support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are eligible to submit projects.

 The strategy reflects the Government’s determination to the close the gap on inequality.

 It complements the Department’s main VET investment programs – the Certificate 3 Guarantee, User Choice and the Higher Level Skills program. Project participants can be undertaking training in qualifications funded under the Certificate 3 Guarantee or Higher Level Skills program.

Applications for projects under first round funding for 2014–2015 will be accepted from 1–26 September.  A total of $6 million will be made available for projects over two funding rounds for the year.

 For more information on the Indigenous Training Strategy, go to