Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett MP is joining with Life Education Queensland to visit students at Yandaran State School today.

A keen supporter of the program, Mr Bennett will help deliver Life Education’s Harold’s Heroes module to Year 3 students.

“I’m a proud ambassador for Life Education, committed to improving the health and wellbeing of children in the Bundaberg and Burnett region,” Mr Bennett said.

“Life Education is a wonderful program which has been in our schools for 30 years now teaching our kids how to live healthy, happy lifestyles.

“The program really is making a difference to the lives of children and our communities and, importantly, we are creating generations of healthier, happier people.”

Life Education has a long history of educating Queensland children about leading safe and healthy lives.

“Over the past 30 years, we estimate that 1.3 million Queenslanders have participated in the Life Education program,” says Life Education Queensland CEO, Michael Fawsitt.

“Great support from the community has led to an almost doubling in the number of children accessing our program across Queensland, from 107,000 in 2013 to more than 200,000 this financial year,” he said.

During the Harold’s Heroes module children join Life Education mascot, Healthy Harold and his superhero friends, Mediminder, Emergieman, Littergator and Extinguisher, as they keep the community safe.

Their mission is to help the children understand how to be safe in a variety of situations, such as around second hand smoke, medicines and when in public areas.

View information about the program here or learn more about Life Education Queensland by visiting website.

Tuesday July 18, 2017