Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is encouraging community submissions into a Queensland Parliamentary inquiry that will investigate and report on the practices of the labour hire industry in Queensland.
Mr Bennett said the inquiry will investigate allegations labour hire companies are flouting the law and avoiding their obligations to workers.
He said the inquiry was sparked following serious allegations aired on ABC’s Four Corners regarding the unlawful practices of labour hire companies throughout the state, including Bundaberg where cucumber pickers were being paid as little as $12 an hour.
“This inquiry will look at a range of issues, including allegations of exploitation, harassment and other mistreatment of workers employed by companies,” Mr Bennett said.
“This is about protecting workers by ensuring they aren’t being unfairly exploited by employers. “It’s important for industry groups, workers and employers to be involved and have their say, and I urge the community to get involved.”
Mr Bennett said any individual or organisation can make a submission to a committee.
Submissions are due by Thursday, March 24, by 4:00pm.
For more information on how to make a submission, contact the Burnett Electorate Office on 4111 5100, or visit the Queensland Parliament website .
January 8, 2016.