Upgrades to the Mon Repos Turtle Centre are well underway, courtesy of funding received from the former LNP Government.

Upgrades to the Mon Repos Turtle Centre are well underway, courtesy of funding received from the former LNP Government.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is delighted the master plan to turn the Mon Repos Turtle Centre into a year-round tourist attraction is progressing with a new turtle-themed amphitheatre roof now in place.

A new Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service office is also under construction at Mon Repos Regional Park to provide a work base for rangers and volunteers and due to be finished mid-July.

The completion of the new roof is part of the LNP commitment of $500,000 funding allocated to the centre by the State Government in August last year.

“The new roof, which is appropriately designed in the shape of a flat back turtle, provides shelter from rain and sun shade so that rangers can engage school groups and visitors in interactive activities,” Mr Bennett said.

“The covered amphitheatre will provide a comfortable area for visitors, staff and volunteers to sit on rainy nights during the turtle season.”

He said the roofing improvements to the 1993-1994 built amphitheatre, which seated more than 50,000 visitors each year, was completed on May 27

“The roof, which is eight metres from the amphitheatre floor to the top of the curved rafter, has been constructed with minimal disturbance to the surrounding environment.”

Continuing with the funded plan to upgrade the entryway, car park and access road, the state department has applied to the council for a new grand entryway to the centre.

“The centre is set to re-open in August this year and showcase the new improvements, we are committed to the world class tourist and environmentally sensitive attraction” Mr Bennett said.