Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has joined forces with local parents and students this National Walk Safely to School Day to call for an urgent upgrade of the busy Bargara-Hughes Road intersection.

More than 1500 people have signed petitions to upgrade the pedestrian crossing at the dangerous intersection, but Mr Bennett said their pleas have been ignored.

“Primary School aged children are crossing this very hazardous intersection to get to Bargara State School, and I’m sad to say that I have heard from many witnesses who report nears misses every week at this intersection,” he said.

“Bargara State School is one of very few schools that doesn’t have a formal crossing in place – no lollipop supervisor or traffic lights in sight, despite an ever-increasing population.”

In response to a Question on Notice, Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey stated:

‘The proposed Bargara Rd site does not meet the eligibility criteria for a supervised school crossing. The proposed site …. has very low pedestrian movements, is not safe for school crossing infrastructure, and pedestrians can safely cross at a signalised crossing at the intersection of Davidson Street and Bargara Road.’

Mr Bennett said the response is unacceptable.

“We’re here today with several children who use this pedestrian island crossing every day,” he said.

“We struggle to understand the Minister’s claims that there are not enough student movements to justify a safe crossing.

“The Minister has also indicated that the location proposed is not safe for a crossing.

“We know this, and that’s exactly why we’re asking the Minister to make it safe!

“When it comes to kids’ lives, we can’t afford to take any chances.”

Year four student Corle Grills regularly crosses the intersection with her peers and had a message for the Minister.

“Please can you fix it so Bargara School kids and other kids can cross safely and have fun,” she said.

“It is quite busy crossing there.

“It’s a little bit scary with lots of cars going really fast.”

Mr Bennett vowed to continue to fight for a safety upgrade on behalf of concerned parents, students, and the greater community.

“Bargara continues to grow at a rapid rate, and this kind of significant growth deserves appropriate infrastructure, particularly when it comes to keeping our kids safe.”

