Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is calling for better transparency at the petrol bowser ensuring motorists are not duped by retailers selectively promoting discounted prices tied to in-store promotions or loyalty programs.

Mr Bennett said the LNP’s policy would force fuel retailers to display the undiscounted price of the most popular product at the top of the petrol price board.

“Just like you, I’m getting sick of getting ripped off at the bowser. We all deserve to know exactly how much we are paying for our petrol when we fill up our family cars,” he said.

“Petrol is not like most products where a customer can return it to the shelf if the price was not what they thought.

“With petrol prices already too high, we need to do all we can to alleviate the pressure to already stretched family budgets.

“Under the LNP’s plan, fuel retailers would be required to reserve the top spot on their petrol price signs for the most purchased product and only promote the undiscounted price.

“This is about having better transparency for Queenslanders when it comes to the price of fuel while still allowing retailers to promote their loyalty programs and special offers elsewhere on the board.”

Mr Bennett called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to adopt the LNP’s policy.

“While it was the LNP’s policy, if the Palaszczuk Labor Government decided to stand up for motorists and act now, rather than hold another review, it would be welcome,” he said.

“It’s symptomatic of this do-nothing Labor Government that when motorists raised this as an issue, the Main Roads Minister and Attorney-General pointed to an ‘ongoing discussion’ held by the Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs,” he said.

“This is a policy that will be implemented under an LNP Government because we understand that motorists need to be able to buy fuel with confidence.

“Queensland is being held back by a Palaszczuk Labor Government frozen at the wheel and unable to make decisions on issues that matter to families, like the price of fuel.”

Mr Bennett said the industry largely did the right thing but the policy would protect consumers from rogue operators and unscrupulous companies.

“This is a common-sense solution to an issue that has been raised consistently by groups like the RACQ.”