THE Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) competition watchdog’s latest report released today is a damning indictment on the energy policies of successive Labor governments in Queensland.

For most of the last 30 years we have had Labor governments in charge of failed energy policies, and today’s reports confirm their incompetence.

The ACCC confirms the Palaszczuk Labor Government used the state-owned generators as a secret tax collector.

According to the report, Labor’s merge of three state-owned generators into two has driven up electricity prices.

The LNP’s plan to restructure government-owned power generators from two to three entities is endorsed by the ACCC report.

We believe by splitting the government-owned generators competition can be maintained while keeping these generators in public ownership.

The ACCC is also scathing of the gold-plating of the network by the Bligh Government and recommended a voluntary RAB write-down in Queensland with Australian Government assistance – a policy we took to the last election.

There are no more excuses for Labor now. The report recommends reform and recommends the LNP’s policies.

Annastacia Palaszczuk needs to swallow her pride and adopt the LNP’s policies, or energy prices will remain high.

Stephen Bennett MP
Member for Burnett

Wednesday, 11 July 2018