With less than twelve months to go until the next State Election, Queenslanders deserve to know where the Labor Opposition stands on key issues and what their policies are.

According to the Opposition Leader’s website, as of 7 April 2014, Labor has announced just six policies in the past two years, which are:

  • A 1am lockout at night clubs and pubs.
  • Reinstating the Sentencing Advisory Council (which was abolished because it basically duplicated the role of the Queensland Law Reform Commission)
  • Refusing unvaccinated children access to child care
  • Ready for Work program to assist unemployed people get into work (a rehash of an old program costing $90 million a year with no explanation of where the money’s coming from)
  • Moving the Labour Day holiday back to May
  • Changing the Industrial Relations Act so the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission no longer has to consider the financial position and fiscal strategy of the State Government when arbitrating wage negotiations.

If I had the chance to ask the Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk just one question, it would be:

“Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt says Labor will pay back the $80 billion debt they created “by being patient”.

If you don’t have a desired debt level for Queensland, and you don’t have a desired number of public servants – just what is your position on getting Queensland back on track?”

Labor has no position on anything and no positive plan for Queensland. The Leader of the Opposition is really the ‘Leader of the No Position’. Queenslanders deserve better from the party that is supposed to be an alternative Government.

After two years in Opposition, Labor is offering nothing new – they are still out of touch and out of ideas. The Leader of the Opposition wants to bring the Labor wreckers back – the same tired old Labor team that gave Queensland an $80 billion debt and a health payroll debacle.

Queenslanders would elect them again at their peril.