Time is running out for the community to have its say on the draft Queensland Ports Strategy, with consultation closing this Friday.

The draft strategy is a first for Queensland and will deliver inclusive management of Queensland’s coastline and 20 existing ports.

I’m encouraging all those who have an interest in Queensland’s 6,973 kilometre coastline and port development over the next decade to go online, have a look at the draft strategy and make a comment.

The government promised at the election to drive economic growth through the four pillars of tourism, agriculture, resources and construction.

This will come through the efficient use and development of Queensland’s long-established major port areas, identified as five Priority Port Development Areas in the draft Queensland Ports Strategy.

We also promised to deliver better infrastructure and planning, something the previous government ignored.

Once finalised, this document will deliver that commitment for the State’s 20 ports, which include 15 trading ports, two community ports and three gazetted non-trading ports.

It will also preserve and build on our commitment to better manage and protect the Great Barrier Reef by restricting any significant port development to within port limits to 2022.

Once public comments have been collated, a consultation report will be finalised in early 2014. A final Queensland Ports Strategy will be released later next year.

To have your say visit www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/qps