Burnett sport and recreation clubs are being urged to submit their applications for round three of the Queensland Government’s Get Going and Get Playing funding programs, which close next week (September 1).Get in the Game launch June 2014 cropped

 The programs are part of the Government’s flagship $48 million Get in the Game initiative, which provides clubs with better resources, equipment and facilities.

Get Going provides grants of up to $10,000 for items and activities to assist clubs in attracting and retaining club members, while Get Playing provides grants of up to $100,000 to sport and recreation organisations for facility development.

This terrific initiative is helping to deliver the Government’s promise of getting more Queenslanders active.

We’ve seen some great results since these programs kicked off in 2012 and I strongly encourage all Burnett sport and recreation clubs to get involved while there is still time.

State-wide almost $7 million has been approved under the Get Going program for 960 projects to increase participation, while $18 million has been approved under the Get Playing program for 220 infrastructure projects.

 I’d really like to see the children and young people of Burnett’s clubs benefitting from this round, and I also strongly encourage parents to apply for our Get Started program, which assists with the membership costs of a sport or recreation club.

 To date, more than 60,000 Get Started vouchers worth up to $150 have been issued to kids to assist with the costs of participating in sport or recreation.” he said.

For more information on Get in the Game, visit www.nprsr.qld.gov.au