Local landowners, farmers and traditional owners will be able to access funding to promote sustainable land use practices this month.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said is it is encouraging to see the first round of the Land Restoration Fund make $100 million available, after years of calling for increased State Government support for local sustainable land use projects.

“This funding is available to those who are working on improving yields, diversifying income streams, creating jobs and protecting the environment,” he said.

“We already have a lot of local growers and landholders who are very active in this space, leading the way with innovative ideas, practices and infrastructure.

“This program will allow our local community to access funding that supports their work on new methods of sustainable land use alongside a growing population.

“We’re encouraging local landholders to apply by visiting https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/climate/climate-change/land-restoration-fund/about.”

Applications for the first round of funding will open on January 28.
