The show will go on in Childers with the Isis District Pastoral Agricultural and Industrial Society receiving a cash grant to help keep the gates open for another year.
The show will receive $5,000 through the 2014-15 Show Society Grants as part of the Queensland Government’s strong plan to support regional communities.
This funding is really important as our local shows provide us all with an opportunity to come together and celebrate what’s great about the area.
It’s a great way to showcase what we can do, as well as provide entertainment for all of the family.
Queenslanders have flocked to their shows over the past three years with attendance figures up nearly 14 per cent.
It’s nice to see the local show still has an important role to play in keeping community spirit alive.
Whether it’s cattle, fresh produce, sideshow alley or secret scone recipes, the fact is Queenslanders love their local show and it’s important they keep rolling up to support and celebrate what makes their town great.
We also need to recognise the on-going efforts of over 13,500 Queenslanders who volunteer to work behind the scenes to pull together our local shows.