Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is calling on the community to provide their feedback on a Parliamentary Committee inquiry into the redevelopment of the Mon Repos Turtle Centre.

Mr Bennett said it’s critical that members of our community get to have their say on the Mon Repos Turtle Centre Redevelopment.

“We know the Government has been very secretive throughout the entire process of this redevelopment,” he said.

“They have not allowed any access to the site despite my regular calls to visit and failed to disseminate any information or updates.

“I’m hoping as many people with a keen interest in this project take some time to read the terms of reference on the Queensland Parliament Website and get involved.

“This inquiry will ensure all aspects of the project are investigated and reviewed against key criteria.”

Burnett MP Stephen Bennett has been a key driver of the development since being elected in 2012 when the initial funding commitments were made.

“Some seven years on, as the project nears completion, it is timely and appropriate that these sort of reviews are undertaken,” Mr Bennett said.

The redevelopment of the Mon Repos Turtle Centre is a significant project for the region, advancing seat turtle conservation and will be a world class visitor experience.

“The community is acutely aware that there appears to be significant issues with the construction, the site, the environmental impact and access.”

Mr Bennett said he can assure those hesitant of making a submission, that there are mechanisms for their confidentiality to be respected.

“The committee needs to hear from the people on the ground who are armed with the knowledge needed to ensure there’s complete transparency around this project,” he said.

“I encourage our community to make written submissions by the 1st of November.

“Additionally there will be a Public Hearing and we encourage everyone to keep an eye out for the date that is still to be advised.
