180 established trees have been donated to bushfire effected residents in a huge act of generosity and goodwill said member for Burnett Stephen Bennett.

“The bushfire’s at the end of the last year scored so much of the land and properties around Deepwater and Baffle Creek,” he said.

“While we are starting to see the green spring up through the black charcoal, a lot of the once thriving native flora and fauna will take a very long time to recover.

“Tropical Paradise Nursery has gone above and beyond to help restore the beautiful area in Deepwater and Baffle Creek by donating almost 200 trees.

“In another generous act, Just Freight Bundaberg has transported them to up to the Baffle Creek Rural & Fishing Supplies Shop where they are now sitting ready to be taken to new homes.

“If you have been effected by the fires, drop into the shop and talk to Kerry and John who will help you get some trees to re-establish your property.”

Tropical Paradise Nursey Owners Yvonne Schaal and Ian Montague said they have also experienced the devastation of a bushfire.

“We know what it’s like to wake up in the morning and look out to see only black and charged areas,” Ms Schaal said.

“So we thought it would be nice for people to put a tree or two in the garden and see some greenery among the grey.

“Hopefully it will bring some of the wild life back as well; giving bees and birds a new habitat.

“There are a range of Australian native plants, from bottle brushes and lilly pillies, some almost two meters tall.”
