Queensland’s new building industry watchdog is a step closer with the Newman Government seeking expressions of interest for positions on the board of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC).

The new Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) will replace the controversial Building Services Authority (BSA) by the beginning of 2014.

The Queensland Government is now seeking applications for a chair and six board members for the new Commission.

These individuals will be responsible for overseeing the most significant reform of construction industry regulation in over 20 years.

The building and construction industry is one of the pillars of the Queensland economy so we want to make sure we have the best building regulator in the country.

The QBCC will be responsible for licensing, dispute resolution and the Home Warranty Scheme, with internal divisions firewalled from each other to prevent any conflict of interest.

The board members will be charged with implementing the Government’s 10-point plan to reform building regulation in Queensland.

That will include reviewing licensing and compliance arrangements for contractors and reforming the way disputes are handled to make sure they are dealt with as quickly as possible.

The new QBCC will need to strike the right balance between consumers and contractors and help build confidence in the industry.

Appointees will require previous senior management or board experience at a significant organisation and bring a broad range of relevant building and construction industry experience to the position.   

For more information about the board roles, visit: http://www.hpw.qld.gov.au/construction/QBSA-Review