Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has welcomed the activation of Category B assistance for primary producers in the Gladstone local government area impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie.
Speaking onsite a Bororen Primary Producer’s cattle property which was damaged by the severe weather event, Mr Bennett said the Category B assistance meant eligible producers within the Gladstone Regional Council area could access loans under the joint Commonwealth and state Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
“I welcome the move to allow eligible producers in the Gladstone region to have access to financial assistance,” Mr Bennett said.
“This means our local producers can access concessional loans of up to $250,000 for direct damage, up to $100,000 for essential working capital at a rate of just 1.16%, and receive freight subsidies of up to $5,000.
“Ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie certainly left her mark on communities and while the focus has been on our northern neighbours, primary producers in this region have also suffered significant losses.
“Today I met with primary producers in Bororen and saw firsthand the trail of destruction left in Debbie’s wake – 400 acres of stock fences have been destroyed, their hay shed has been ripped apart and their sawmill destroyed.
“These hardworking local cattle farmers face a tough recover ahead of them, and this financial assistance will no doubt help to get them back on their feet.”
Mr Bennett, who has been out touring the region in the wake of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie, thanked all levels of government for their cooperation.
“It’s great to see that this community has been listened to, giving our worst affected producers the confidence they need going forward.”
Mr Bennett said financial assistance is also being made available to the Gladstone Regional Council to restore damaged essential public infrastructure throughout the region.
For further information on Category B assistance or recovery tips call 13 25 23 or visit
Wednesday, 5 April 2017