Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has cast for answers on Walkers Point boat ramp before the popular fishing spot hits peak holiday period.

Mr Bennett tabled a question for the Minster for Transport and Main Roads in parliament last week. *

Will the Minister provide an update on upgrades outlined for the Walker Point boat ramp including the previously advised concept feasibility investigations and costings for the provision of a breakwater ramp in the Queensland Transport Roads and Infrastructure Program (QTRIP)?

Mr Bennett said it’s vital work progresses on the ramp after initial announcements of an upgrade were made over 12 months ago.

“Walkers Point is fast becoming a top pick for local and visiting anglers,” he said.

“It offers plenty in the way of fishing, boating, and exploring, but the boat ramp is treacherous.

“Boaties are often put in a very dangerous situation due to the tide and current.

“The tide runs at a rate of knots over the ramp and on most days it’s near impossible to get boats safety on and off trailers, especially if you’re on your own.

“With the festive season fast approaching it’s important we not only get a safety message out to visitors, but get some answers on what a future upgrade could look like.

“After years of campaigning and strong community advocacy, we finally saw an upgrade to the Walkers Point boat ramp, including concept feasibility investigations and costings for the provision of a breakwater, included in last year’s QTRIP.

“Now it’s time for work to start.”

Minister Bailey must provide a written answer to the parliament within 30 calendar days.

* QON:

