Queensland’s small business industrial relations arrangements will be put under the spotlight following the release of an issues paper for public consultation.

Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett said operators in the Burnett electorate had raised concerns about the federal Fair Work Act and there had been a push to refer power back to the state.

“In November 2009, the former Labor Government passed legislation to refer small business industrial relations matters to the Commonwealth,” Mr Bennett said.

“Small business operators have told me they are finding the current arrangements difficult and this issues paper is a direct response to their concerns.

“The Fair Work Act Review has also revealed concerns in the business community about the legislation’s impact, particularly on workplace flexibility and productivity.

“There were concerns raised at the DestinationQ forum earlier this year regarding penalty rates and the cost of operating on a Sunday.

“The paper will discuss whether the legislation is best managed by the Commonwealth or the State Government.”

Mr Bennett said these were important issues and the paper would give businesses in Bundaberg and the Burnett an opportunity to have their say.

“The Newman Government listens to business and we want to ensure the state is offering them the most effective industrial relations system.”

The paper can be downloaded at www.justice.qld.gov.au/corporate/community-consultation.

Submissions are to be made by 5pm, Friday 22 February 2013 and can be made by email, post or fax.