The tourism industry and local government will get their say on how to improve camping and caravanning Camping in Queenslandexperiences for travellers with a series of regional workshops being launched today.

Promoting camping options is a key issue raised by local government during the development of the Queensland Drive Tourism Strategy 2013-15.

The Strategy committed to developing a Camping Options Guideline for Local Governments to assist them in managing camping options in their community.

The growing popularity of caravanning and camping across Queensland had seen huge numbers of people moving around our state.

We need to ensure appropriate camping options are available to maximise the benefits to tourists, caravan park operators, local governments and the wider business community.

Recent data by Tourism Research Australia reveals that the drive tourism market accounts for approximately 67 per cent of the overnight leisure market in Queensland with more than 10.3 million visitors participating in touring during their visit to Queensland.

hrough these upcoming workshops industry and local government will be able to discuss solutions for managing camping arrangements at a local level, while sending a message that Queensland is an attractive place for a drive holiday.

We recognise there is no single solution, so the Guideline will include a number of best practice models for councils to consider under a ‘no one size fits all’ approach.

A total of seven community consultation workshops are being held as part of the consultation process. Bundaberg and Burnett residents could attend the Fraser Coast workshop on 25 October at Fraser Cost Discovery Sphere, 166 Maryborough Road from 1-4pm.

The project is overseen by the Camping Options Reference Group which includes representation from state government agencies, regional tourism organisations, industry and consumer associations, the Local Government Association of Queensland and six local governments from diverse regions across Queensland.