Emergency ServicesI’ve recently been working to highlight the need for some amendments to the Emergency Management Levy, based on feedback from community groups and individuals in my electorate.

Our State has become all too aware over the past decade of the impact that natural disasters have on people right across Queensland, from Cooktown to Coolangatta. These disasters required flexible and timely responses from all our emergency services.

This Government recognises the critical need for a sustainable funding base to be established to ensure vital emergency services can continue to be delivered into the future, and hence the introduction of the Emergency Management Levy.

I have brought the views of various community organisations directly to the relevant Minister to represent my constituents. I am pleased to say the Minister has listened and will be proposing amendments to both the Fire and Rescue Act and the Fire and Rescue Service Regulation.

These amendments will provide levy exemptions for Class E community organisations such as cemeteries, churches, showgrounds, community halls, and libraries.

An organisation will be able to seek an exemption through their local government, and if they have paid a levy in 2014 seek a refund from 1 July 2014.

These changes should be in place from 1 July 2014 and will assist local community organisations.

I’ll continue to provide further updates in future as the legislation is progressed.