Queenslanders will have vital information on natural disasters at their fingertips with the launch of a centralised online “One Stop Shop”, 
The Online Emergency Services and Safety platform means Queenslanders can find vital emergency-related information in one place with the click of a button.
This kind of service is part of the Newman Government’s one-stop shop approach to put customers first, to expand our online service delivery and reduce the cost of simple transactions.
It improves customer services by offering easy access to consistent information, whether customers jump online using a smart phone, tablet or PC, call from anywhere or visit a counter in their local community. It’s easier to find out information on emergency alerts and updates.
The www.qld.gov.au/emergency platform incorporates integrated solutions to improve accessibility and better support Queenslanders to plan, respond and recover from disaster events.
It’s a pivotal step in improving public accessibility to emergency information and services, especially in times of heightened anxiety when immediate support is crucial.
Rather than wasting time searching for an emergency service department to log or respond to a disaster request, customers can access the support they require in one place, whether you choose to go online, make a phone call or visit a government service centre.
The one-stop shop for emergency-related information and services provides customers with:
- improved accessibility to emergency alerts and updates – customers now have real-time access to all alert feeds, 24/7 from one central location: www.qld.gov.au/alerts
- greater efficiency and effectiveness when accessing the SES request for assistance phone line in an emergency situation
- real-time updates and the ability to check the status of requests for assistance in the event of a disaster (to be released in 2014)