Nine sporting and recreation clubs in the Burnett Region are set to Get Going with grants from the first round of the Newman Government’s $18 million grassroots funding program.

Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett today congratulated successful clubs in the region that will receive grants of up to $10,000 for equipment and activities to increase and sustain memberships.

“The LNP’s flagship Get in the Game program is designed to get more young people playing sport and involved in recreation activities, as we get on with the job of fulfilling our election promise to ease the cost of living burden for Queenslanders,” Mr Bennett said.

“More than 900 clubs applied for round one of Get Going and there were also over 240 applications for round one of Get Playing, which provides up to $100,000 to assist clubs with facility development.

“The first round of Get Started, a program which provides help with registration fees for kids who are least able to afford to join a sporting club, saw the allocation of 12,000 available vouchers exhausted in just three weeks.”

Mr Bennett said organisations from Agnes Water to Burnett Heads and Childers, ranging from rugby league and AFL through to surf lifesaving and softball clubs had been successful in gaining grants of up to $10,000 through Get Going.

“Burnett and Bundaberg club membership numbers will be bolstered with an array of projects, promotions and courses made possible through Get Going. Coaching, accreditation and equipment purchases are high on the list,” he said.

“Queensland’s grassroots sporting and recreation clubs are the backbone of local communities and with this funding we’re getting more children out onto the paddock and into healthier lifestyles.”

A full list of the 475 clubs who have received grants through the first funding round is available at by calling 1300 656 191.

Mr Bennett said the mopping up effort from ex-tropical cyclone Oswald would also have long term effects for many clubs.

“A huge number of clubs were hit by the extreme weather brought about by ex-tropical Cyclone Oswald, and as the clean-up commences they will need all the support they can get.

“We’re working with damaged clubs all over the Burnett to ensure everything in our power to assist them in getting back to business is being provided.”

A second Get in the Game funding round will open in July 2013.