Great Results Guarantee

Burnett students are set to benefit from the second round of Great Results Guarantee funding announced this week.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett welcomed the announcement on behalf of local students. 


He said that more than $1.3 million would go directly to Burnett schools in 2015.


“The Queensland Government has a strong plan for the state’s future, which is why we are working hard to revitalise frontline services, particularly education,” Mr Bennett said.


“Local schools have already experienced the benefits of the Great Results Guarantee initiative and this funding boost will continue to improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes of our students.”


He said the funding would empower principals to invest in programs and initiatives that will make a real difference in their school by targeting areas for improvement.


He praised the community involvement aspect of the Great Results Guarantee.


“Schools are encouraged to involve the community in deciding how to invest the funds, and their guarantees are published on their website.


“The more involved a community is with the school the more likely students will enjoy a successful education experience.”


A total of $183 million will be provided to all Queensland state schools next year, a $52 million increase on the $131 million provided in 2014, the first year of the Great Results Guarantee.


For more information on the Great Results Guarantee, visit