Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has once again ‘tea-ed’ up with the QCWA Burnett Division to host Bundy’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Locals are invited to attend the third annual event on Wednesday, June 7, from 9am at the Bundaberg QCWA Hall (Quay Street).

Around 90 people are expected to attend and raise funds for Cancer Council Queensland.

Mr Bennett extended an invited to media and the community to attend the special event.

“I’m looking forward to joining the QCWA ladies and the community once more as we raise vital funds to help beat cancer,” Mr Bennett said.

“I encourage people to come along for a fun morning out, and more importantly to support an important cause.

“Sadly, in the Wide Bay Burnett region around 1630 people are diagnosed with cancer each year.

“This is your chance to make a difference to the lives of locals affected by cancer and their families.”

Entry is $5 per person and includes morning tea and a lucky door prize ticket. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

The official Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea date was Thursday, May 25, but locals can hold an event and raise funds anytime throughout June.

Cancer Council Queensland CEO Ms Chris McMillan said every cup counted in the fight against cancer.

“We encourage locals to join the Member for Burnett and QCWA members in raising their cups to make a difference,” Ms McMillan said.

“Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is the perfect opportunity to gather your friends and loved ones and help raise vital funds for Cancer Council Queensland’s work locally.”

In 2017 more than 5500 Queenslanders are expected to host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and raise $2.6 million for Cancer Council Queensland.

To host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, or find out more, visit or phone 1300 65 65 85.

For more information about Cancer Council Queensland visit or call 13 11 20.