Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has slammed Labor’s proposal to spend millions of dollars on renaming a Brisbane hospital, when the Bundaberg and Burnett region was still waiting on a brand new health facility.
Once again our region is the poor relations compared to those living in the south-east.
It’s well documented that our region needs a new hospital.
Here we are still waiting for a new Level Five hospital in Bundaberg, yet unbelievably the Health Minister is looking at sinking millions of dollars into a project that would achieve nothing.
Surely changing the name of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane is not a priority. Saving lives, reducing wait times and seeing emergency department patients more quickly in the Burnett is.
Our hard working nurses, paramedics and doctors do an incredible job and we need world class facilities to continue to deliver the best health care for our community.
The reported millions that would be chewed up in a supposed hospital name change in the South East could go a very long way to saving lives in our region and helping our health staff who are run off their feet.
The Bundaberg health system is rapidly deteriorating under this Palaszczuk Government. Even dental wait lists have blown out.
The people of Bundaberg and Burnett deserve first class health services and it’s about time we got what we expect and deserve.
Wednesday, 01 August 2018