Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett is reminding boaties to slow down and look out for turtles and dugongs when out on the water.

Mr Bennett said many Queenslanders and visitors love to head out on the water and enjoy a well-earned break this time of year, but with more boats on the water it’s important to remember the marine life and give our turtles and dugongs a chance to get out of the way.

“These animals need to come up to the surface regularly to breathe and unfortunately, this can put them in the path of speeding vessels,” he said.

“A bit of caution and common sense can make a day out on the water a safe and happy one for all, including the wildlife.

“Be aware of where the go-slow areas are and the restrictions, which apply because there are penalties for failing to observe them.

“The boundaries of these areas are signposted on the water and maps and guides are also available from QPWS offices and local bait and tackle shops.”

Detailed information on the go-slow areas and other tips on reducing risks to marine wildlife are available on the National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing website at

Mr Bennett urges anyone who comes across injured, stranded or dead marine wildlife to report it by calling 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625).


December 2017