LNP Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett, has welcomed the announcement that the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) will double for Queenslanders living in rural and remote areas – fulfilling another key LNP election commitment.
Mr Bennett said the announcement meant patients from the electorate of Burnett who had to travel long distances to see medical specialists now had more assistance than ever.
“The Premier and Health Minister committed $106 million over four years to ensure Queenslanders have greater access to the medical care they need,” Mr Bennett said.
“We are doubling the accommodation subsidy from $30 to $60 per night per person and the mileage subsidy from 15 cents to 30 cents per kilometre.
“This is the first time since 1987 that the accommodation subsidy has been increased.
“The previous Labor government increased the petrol mileage subsidy by just 5 cents per kilometre in 2007, but this increase truly helps patients who have to drive long distances.”
The PTSS provides financial support for public and private patients to access specialist health services that are more than 50km away from their closest public hospital, with patients from regional, rural and remote locations the main users of the Scheme.
“I am pleased to see the representations I have been making to the Premier and Health Minister on behalf of the local residents of the Burnett Electorate have been listened to and acted upon so quickly,” Mr Bennett said.
“This much needed boost will help ease the financial burden and stress of travelling to access health services.
“This is part of this government’s commitment to revitalising front line services.”