Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett and LNP Candidate for Bundaberg David Batt at the 2017 White Ribbon Breakfast in Bundaberg.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has been elevated to the role of Shadow Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence and Shadow Minister for Veterans under the new LNP leadership team.

Mr Bennett, a White Ribbon Ambassador, said he was honoured to take on the new, challenging role that was close to his heart.

“The LNP leadership team has been watching closely the work I have been doing locally over the past six years fighting on behalf of families experiencing hardships and speaking out against domestic violence,” he said.

“It’s a testament to the new, contemporary LNP leadership team in that they haven’t gender stereotyped the child safety role.

“As not only a White Ribbon Ambassador, but as a husband, a father, and a grandfather to two beautiful granddaughters, I am proud to be able to stand up for women and give them a voice.”

Mr Bennett said he had been working behind the scenes to tackle domestic and family violence across the state.

“I am well aware of the deficiencies that exist in this area and I have been in consultation with stakeholders on strategies modelled on the United Kingdom’s Clare’s Law, allowing access to vital information about someone’s violence past and crimes,” he said.

“I will continue to work closely with community support services such as Edon Place, Phoenix House and other crisis and emergency shelters to address the needs of our communities.”

Mr Bennett has also been a strong advocate for veterans’ affairs to improve services and provide more opportunities for retired military personnel, and was behind a campaign to raise awareness and pay tribute to the veteran community.

“This region is home to a number of ADF personnel, some who have struggled to transition back into civilian life and other careers after leaving the Defence Force. We must support them and give our veterans the opportunities they deserve,” he said.

“The LNP went into the last election with a clear plan to deliver Queensland’s first Veteran’s Affairs Minister to help provide those improved services, opportunities and stronger representation for our retired servicemen and servicewomen.”


Friday, December 15, 2017