Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has slammed a move by the Palaszczuk government to cut back on sitting weeks in Queensland Parliament.
Mr Bennett said the sneaky changes which were passed in State Parliament last night mean that the Government now escapes accountability and fosters a culture of cover-up and secrecy.
“Parliament will now be cut back to just 10 sitting weeks this year, meaning there will be less time to examine legislation by the Parliament,” he said.
“Less time in the House means less time for scrutiny of legislation and other important matters, and less outcomes for Queenslanders.
“These changes only further fuel my concerns that the Palaszczuk Government only cares about Brisbane and gives our regions the scraps.
“This is so typical of a lazy, arrogant government which seems hell-bent on a covering up and saving their own skin.
Mr Bennett said the proposed changes weren’t family friendly for regional members who will need to travel down on a Sunday to attend Committee meetings.
“These changes prove just how arrogant and out-of-touch this government is.”
Mr Bennett told Parliament that he could not morally support the proposed changes.
“These actions threaten the integrity of the Parliamentary process and the people in my electorate expect the very best from us, so on their behalf I cannot and will not support the proposed changes to sessional orders,” he said.
“Labor Ministers who are paid over $300,000 per year should be able to turn up to Parliament for all Queenslanders.”
16 February 2018