James Spokes and his family, pictured with Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett, are looking forward to the Open Day on Monday.

James Spokes and his family, pictured with Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett, are looking forward to the Open Day on Monday.

Local community groups and businesses will band together on Monday to help raise funds for James Spokes, a ten-year-old Bundy boy who is confined to a wheelchair due to a rare muscle disease.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett will host the Open Day in honour of James and his family by his electorate office in Bargara.

Mr Bennett said the Spokes family had been hard at work for many months raising funds to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle to help transport James, but they still had their work cut out for them to reach their goal.

“The Spokes family have done a tremendous job so far in raising funds. It would be great to help them get them over the line,” he said.

“The Open Day is an opportunity for our community to come together and support a local family in desperate need of help, as well as a great chance for people to discover what services are available right here in our area.”

He said there would be about 15 community organisations participating in the Open Day, ready to talk about the services they provide locally.

Mr Bennett thanked community groups for supporting the cause and urged people to come along and get behind the local family.

“My office has received overwhelming support for the Open Day and for James and his family and we are extremely humbled by those who have reached out to help,” he said.

“It’s wonderful to see so many organisations come together to support a local family.”

He said there would be something for everyone at the Open Day, including a sausage sizzle, face painting, CWA baking and raffles.

Open Day Details:
What: Open Day featuring 15 community groups and businesses, face painting, sausage sizzle, raffles, CWA baking.
Where: Burnett Electorate Office, Bargara Beach Plaza, See Street.
When: Monday, July 27, between 9am and 12 Noon.
Cost: Free entry. Donations accepted.
Facepainting: $5 (all proceeds going to James)