Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett has called on the community to help bring freedom to children trapped in sexual exploitation.
Mr Bennett is hosting a live screening of Destiny Rescue’s latest documentary Border Interception next Wednesday to start a conversation about the insidious issue.
“1.2 million children are trafficked each year,” he said.
“This horrific industry generates around $99 billion annually; that’s $11 million every hour.
“But due to the insidious nature of child sex trafficking, the true impact is extremely hard to quantify.
“For ten years, my family and I have been Rescue Partners, helping to equip Destiny Rescue agents to save these children.
“Destiny Rescue is a charity that is very close to my heart and I’m asking Bundaberg and Burnett residents to come along to the screening and help to put an end to the injustice.”
Destiny Rescue’s mission is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and help them stay free.
Their agents go into the darkest places on earth looking for underaged children who are trapped into sexual exploitation and abusive situations.
Once identified agents work to rescue them and bring them to freedom.
Border Interception documents the inspirational work off female Destiny Rescue agents in Nepal as they patrol border crossings to cut off the supply line to a neighbouring nation as one of the world’s most prolific human trafficking routes.
Former Bundaberg local and current Destiny Rescue CEO Paul Mergard will be the guest speaker at the local screening and said community is so important to all of us.
“We know that when we work together, we can make a real and significant difference,” he said.
“Even if, as individuals, we can only play a small part, it is the sum of us together that enables change to happen.
“That is how we are saving lives of vulnerable children every day.
“We are supported by communities who, like us, are committed to a better future for all children, wherever they may be, and for that I am so very grateful.”
The screening of Border Interception will be held at Reading Cinemas Bundaberg at 6:00pm on Wednesday 6th, October.
To RSVP, please email your name to [email protected]
Link to interview with Paul Mergard: