Firefighters across Queensland are one step closer to getting a fair deal after the Labor MP’s on the Finance and Administration Committee endorsed the LNP’s workers compensation policy.

The committee’s report on the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 tabled this week, recommended Labor scraps its proposed discriminatory fire quota on volunteer firefighters.

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett welcomed the committee’s recommendation, saying it was a win for volunteer firefighters across Queensland.

“After continuing to push for sensible policy and funding initiatives to support our rural volunteer fire fighters, I am pleased to see that finally it has been recommended that these extremely unworkable and discriminatory reforms proposed by an out-of-touch Labor Government be abolished,” Mr Bennett said.

“Labor’s proposal was nothing more than discrimination and an absolute insult to those volunteers who selflessly put themselves in harm’s way for our protection.

“This is about making sure our selfless and hardworking firefighters who put their lives on the line to keep us safe are respected, supported and protected.”

Mr Bennett said in stark contrast, the LNP’s proposal ensured Queensland’s hardworking firefighters, regardless of pay status or the colour of their fire truck, received the same workers compensation support.

“It seems a small act to repay this sacrifice by ensuring fair workers compensation is in place if a firefighter suffers from a disease, including cancers, in the course of their employment.

“They are the men and women who we depend upon to be there for our communities in times of need, and they deserve our protection.”

Mr Bennett said Labor now has no excuse and should immediately adopt the Committee’s recommendations and support the LNP’s bill.

[ENDS] 9 September 2015  


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